Co-operation with the Professional Community
For Professionals who work with problem Drinkers and alcoholics
In consideration with our Seventh Tradition, we can only accept contributions from members of Alcoholics Anonymous.
If you are a member, you can contribute digitally by clicking the link below to access our digital 7th Tradition online check-out. (Please note: Seventh Tradition contributions are not credited to personal contributions.)
7th Tradition
Contribute as a Member
If you have already set up an account with Central Office, you can contribute digitally by clicking the link below to access our digital Personal Contribution online check-out.
Personal Contribution
Or Click here to Contribute on behalf of your Group. Please ensure that you give us the Group Name so that we can add that to our records.
Group Contribution
If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to reach out via
See Also:
Contributions Questions & Information
Contributions to Central Office
Are you wondering what all this business is about being a member and logging in?
Well, to view certain sections of this website such as minutes of service meetings, group guidelines, and even certain events like ‘birthday’ celebrations, you need to be a member of a group in District 10 or District 21, that is to say, any group in the Greater Hamilton Area, including Hamilton, Hamilton mountain, Lynden, Binbrook (Glanbrook), Dundas, plus Hagersville, Stoney Creek, Winona, and Caledonia.
So if you are a member of an AA group in one of these areas, you are automatically a member, but you need the username and password. You will need to ask your group’s LCM (Local Committee Member) or GSR (General Service Representative) for them. Simple.
But why do we do this? It’s just one way we try to ensure the anonymity and confidentiality of our AA members which we hold to be of utmost importance.
12 Apr 2025; 09:00AM - 10:00PM Autumn Leaf Round Up Committee Meeting |
13 Apr 2025; 04:00PM - 05:00PM Website Committee Meeting |
27 Apr 2025; 09:00AM - 23rd Annual Archives Breakfast |